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She is right. Here I was trying to justify why men lie. And I get an email from one of my subscriber which was so simple & yet it made me think twice about this whole lying thing. THERE IS NO EXCUSE FOR LYING. I agree. There is none. None whatsoever. Whatever the reason is. Even if men think that lying might prevent you from getting hurt. Heck even women lie sometimes, & even they have their reasons. But the fact is, the world is as it is. Men are like this. Men are conditioned to be like this. There is no point in trying to PUt blame on something. We can say that it's their fault that are scared of something like emotions. We can say it's the fault of women all around the world who have made men scared of their emotions. We can say it's the fault of their mothers who make them scared of emotions at a very young age. Whoever's fault it is, doesn't matter. As long as you underst& the reason behind their lie & try to fix the problem, instead of putting blame, things should start to get better. Getting mad at him when he lies or when he doesn't want to share his feelings will definitely not solve the problem. Instead, if you show him that you are trying to underst& him. If you show him that you underst& why he lies. That you underst& why sometimes he likes to keep his feelings secretive. He will slowly become more comfortable with himself & with you. Trying to rush things will only make things worse. Listen, lying about big things (infidelity, cheating etc.) is definitely something that shouldn't be condoned. But don't give him a hard time about small things. Just underst& that it's in his nature. It is a result of a lifetime of conditioning. Give him some time & space to grow himself. If you force him to grow, he will only feel pressured & again think that lying & hiding his feelings is a better option. The truth is men lie. There is no excuse for lying but that's how it is. Be that women that he never feels the need to lie to. And you will be amazed how much your life & relationships improve. BE THAT WOMEN -Kevin "No Excuses" Thompson

女生版32封,说谎是没有理由的她是对的。这里,我试图表述为什么男人 谎话。我在我的客户之一,接到一封电子邮件 这是这般简易,但它要我三思 这全部事儿说谎。没有任何借口说谎。同意。回答是沒有。婚姻情感问题之说谎是没有理由的,如何识破男人的谎言?

无一切义务。无论是怎么回事。即便男人觉得 说谎将会会使您遭受损害。哎哟,即便女性说谎有时候,乃至 她们有她们的原因。但客观事实是,这世界,由于这是。男人全是那样的。男人习惯像 这一。有在试图把义务推荐给一些沒有实际意义的。人们能够 说,这是她们的错,是担心 对相近的心态。

人们能够 说这是 女性的全球谁有着全国各地的常见故障 做男人担心自身的心态。人们能够 说这是 她们的妈妈的过失谁令她们心惊 的心态在很年青的情况下。到底是谁的错是,不在乎。如果你掌握身后的缘故,她们的 说谎,并试图解决困难,而并不是把 怪,事儿应当刚开始越来越更强。

惹毛了他,当他的谎话,或当他不要想 共享他的体会,絕對不容易处理 难题。反过来,当你对他说,你正试图 掌握他。当你对他说,你明白 为何他的谎话。你明白为何他有时候 喜爱把自身的情感畏畏缩缩。他会渐渐地 变得越来越舒服与自身和你在一起。试图抢物品总是让事儿越来越很糟。

婚姻情感问题之说谎是没有理由的,如何识破男人的谎言?听着,卧谈大事儿(出轨行为,蒙骗等) 絕對的物品,不应当被放任。但不必给他们约小玩意没办法。 才明白,这是他的性情。这是 中央空调一生的結果。给他们一些時间和室内空间来发展趋势自身。 当你逼迫他长大了,他总是感觉 工作压力,再度觉得说谎和瞒报 他的情感是一个更强的挑选。客观事实是,男人说谎。

没有任何借口,说谎 可是这是是怎么回事。是女性,他几乎沒有感觉必须 骗。并且你能惊讶地察觉多 衣食住行和关联改进。 BE女性-Kevin“沒有托词”伦纳德

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